For applications, please contact the director, Frau Dagmar Neukamm, exclusively.
You can download the application documents at the bottom of this page.
The application deadline for the winter term is June 3 of the respective year, for the summer semester January 10.
If you are considered as a potential resident, you will receive an invitation for an interview, shortly after the application deadline. You will be informed if we can offer you room, if we will put you on the waiting list, or if we had to refuse your application by mid-February or mid-July, respectively.
If you are put on the waiting list, you need to re-contact the Newman Haus (by phone or in writing) so that we know whether you want us to consider your application for the following term.
In accordance to our objectives, we do not proceed strictly chronologically with the applications, but on the one hand according to how urgently the person concerned seems to need the room, but on the other hand according to how well he/she “fits” into the house. The criteria are, for example, the distance between home and place of study on the one hand, and (preferably) Catholic religion and socialization on the other hand, but above all social commitment.
The prices are currently € 386,- for a normal sized room (12-14 sqm); in addition, some smaller rooms (8 sqm) are let at € 270,-. Kitchens, showers and toilets are shared by the residents of the floors (approx. 8 – 13 persons per floor).